Sonntag, 4. September 2022

Lopez - PAPER EMPIRES (2014)

LOPEZ, Rafael De Francisco ~ 100 Years of German Paper Soldiers (1845-1945)

Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 2014 (128, ill. - 22,3 x 28,2 cm)
ISBN: 978-0764347405

These paper cut-outs developed from toys into a historically important reflection on the German military and social classes from the early nineteenth to the early twentieth century, culminating in their proliferation during the rise and reign of the Third Reich. They make it possible to take a tour through German military and political history, from the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt in 1806 right up to the Maginot Line in 1940. These German paper soldiers, or papiersoldaten zum ausschneiden are, without a doubt, unique visual images that, nowadays, are similar to archeological artifacts, which are very hard to find on the market. Even today, the number of preserved or catalogued images in German museums is very small, so this book, showing thousands of figures in 173 color images, is a an essential collection.

ergänzend sei hier noch auf die spanische Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 2012 verwiesen:

Imperios de papel (1845-1945) : 100 años de recortables de soldados alemanes